Re: [Gimp-user] export vs save

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 02:43:12PM +0100, Simon Budig wrote:
What would you say to

   "We did it this way for reasons x, y, and z, but we recognize that
   what you're asking isn't like the broken spacebar comic. You have
   options a and b now, and we're thinking about some even better
   approaches in the future, but we won't revert to the old behaviour."

Because this is what we said in the past. Over and over again.

I would say: okay, cool. But that's not what I've been seeing. It's largely
along the lines of "you just don't understand that your way causes data

The current "options a and b" have a lot of rough edges. The Export Clean
script makes the UI have even more cluttered "save" options, and it doesn't
re-prompt for JPEG options, which I very much want it to do. And Overwrite
is pretty close, but it doesn't mark images as clean, so I get confused
about what I've saved already. I can live with those things, but I hate to
have to explain them to other people.

So, sure. I'd also like to hear more about the ideas for better approaches
in the future. 

Matthew Miller           mattdm mattdm org          <>

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