Re: [Gimp-user] import vs open

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Chris Mohler <cr33dog gmail com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net> wrote:
* File->Open filters to *.xcf* by default; attempting to open a non-xcf
file brings up a message, "myfile.jpg is not an XCF file. Would you like
to import it?"

Current File-Open makes sense as it is, at least to me.  After a
CTRL-O I don't want to have to reset the filter every time, or see a
dialog every time. Just treat it like an import - no need to add a
dialog (this covers right-click 'Edit with GIMP' also - would we have
to add another action: 'Import into GIMP' to skip the dialog?  yuck.).

As for File->Import, I don't understand why it would ever replace
anything - much less why the clean/dirty flag would be the toggle.
Maybe I'm missing something.

We could end up in a scenario where Open means open as a new document,
the current behavior, while import _could_ be what today is called
"Open as Layer(s)" and will insert the imported file in the current
composition. ;)

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