Re: [Gimp-user] export vs save

Sorry, madeiros, but when you write

maderios wrote:
> When you edit many kinds of files, jpeg, png, xcf, tiff, gif, etc...,
> you can't spend your time to watch and remember which kind of file
> you're working on.

I'm not buying in. Knowing what the final result will be used for is a critical part of the work flow from the beginning, and to a large degree this influences the decision as to the kind of file one is working on. To say one cannot spend time to watch and remember what kind of file one is working on, is /exactly/ the same as an automobile mechanic claiming to bes too busy to remember whether the current work is on a Volkswagen, or on a Mercedes, or a translator claiming to be too busy to remember whether the target language is Spanish or Korean. Or a woodworker claiming to be too busy to know whether the work at hand is being constructed in Cherry wood or in Teak.

Because of the different characteristics of the different file formats, knowing what use will be made of the final product is a critical requirement for the workflow, and I would suggest that forgetting the about the use of the final result during the workflow at any point before it is delivered is someone who has not yet progressed beyond the apprentice stage.


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