Re: [Gimp-user] A few questions regarding GIMP


On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:53 AM, christopher.draper93
<christopher draper93 gmail com> wrote:
Alright I have a few questions about GIMP. The first two I haven't gotten
helpful answers for.
1) How do you access the Font Config thing?

What do you mean "access" fontconfig exactly?

2) Where can I get fonts to add to GIMP?

Most likely if you install them using your system administration tool
to install font, they will be placed in standard place, and GIMP
should be able to find them.

If you have for instance downloaded fonts from the web, you can add
them for instance in ~/.gimp-2.8/fonts/ for GIMP 2.8 (under your home
directory, depending on the operating system, it has obviously
different places).

Finally if for some reason, you don't want to place the font file
there, and GIMP can't find them itself, in GIMP, go in Edit >
Preferences > Folders > Fonts. There click on the + to add a folder
where new fonts can be loaded. On the next startup, all fonts in added
folders will be available in GIMP.

3) Is there somewhere I can leave suggestions for GIMP? I think they should
On this address, you can create bug report or feature requests for
GIMP, or search if your desired requests has not already been written
by someone.

add a symmetrical function but don't know where to suggest it.

What do you call a symmetrical function? Is it like a mirror mode
where you would paint and your drawing would be mirrored in real time?
If so, there is already a request for it:
And actually I am planning to implement this, most likely soon.
Or were you asking about another feature?


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