Re: [Gimp-user] making a plug-in (bridge 2 programs)

On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 04:40 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:07 AM, Vata-Raven wrote:
There a few other videos showing off the bridge on youtube...not many.

Granted CS2 is free...

Except it isn't really :)

CS2 is free as in zero dollars, but not free as in liberty.

You are not free to redistribute it or to make changes to it and
redistribute those changes.

I don't think it's productive to argue about whether this is the case
since it's easily verified, as Vata-Raven pointed out.

It might be that not too many people know that CS2 is a free download,
though. Luckily lots of people know that GIMP is free, even if they
don't all know what that really means. :)


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