Re: [Gimp-user] Save Export Complaints

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 3:34 PM, maderios wrote:

A "DAW" with no name...

Any DAW.

"Lots of apps..." Which apps ?

We've discussed it before, with names. But really, pick any DAW, any
NLE and the like.

Most software, digikam, phot$p, firefox, avidemux, libreoffice,
doesnt work like gimp but with standard way.

Most software doesn't do mixing of different types of objects or wants
you to not care whether you preserve your work. Firefox has no place
in this list, and avidemux doesn't mix images with videos.

Others? Well, digiKam, for instance, insists that you save every
processed RAW image as a PNG/JPEG/TIFF file, while not even providing
_any_ means to save the effects stack along.

This is not how the state of the art software works, where changes are
written to a sidecar text/xml file, so that the original is never
touched, and no new physical files are created until you really need
it; so that at any later time you could undo any of the changes or
adjust them.

If you work on a complex project with different types of data inside
and non-destructive changes, the primary use case is to save it all
and be able to open it all. The rest is optional. Period.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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