[Gimp-user] Bug with fonts when antialiasing on

In my case, this problem has something to do with KDE's system setting. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS with 
KDE as my secondary desktop environment and has been plagued by this annoyance for months. I did some 
researches and find that after I changed settings in KDE's font anti-alias setting, GIMP started to render 
greenish defect on the sub-pixels around the text.

Here is my solution:

KDE System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts -> Use anti-aliasing -> Enabled -> Configure -> 
Uncheck everything

I guess GIMP 2.8 is using a new way dealing with its text anti-aliasing mechanism, which could be the same 
one as KDE. So if you've changed text anti-aliasing settings in KDE, it may also affect GIMP, producing in an 
undesirable result.

Hope my information is helpful.

tysontan (http://tysontan.deviantart.com/)

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