[Gimp-user] Text outline (NO Grow)

I'm sure this newbie question has been answered before, but I can't seem to find the answer, so here it is 
again. Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on how to put a border/outline around text that results 
in non-rounded effect?

Grow rounds the corners and I understand the reason why it does this, but the result I'm looking for is a 
crisp outline where a letters like A, E, F, T, W, V, Z, etc... in an Arial type font have hard corners in the 
outline, not rounded.

For example, if I was to put an 8 pixel wide outline on the word TEXT that was in an Arial font it would have 
a an outline that is just 8 pixels on the flats of the character, but would extend the correct number of 
pixels to meet the adjacent edge's outline in the corners, creating a hard corner.

I hope this makes sense.  I found many tutorials on YouTube for the grow technique, but not this.  I even 
tried to do this in InkScape, but you end up with the same results, rounded corners in the outline. 

reyahtbor (via gimpusers.com)

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