[Gimp-user] how to exposing more tiff load options for scripting

I am trying to load single pages from multipage tiffs, convert them to monochrome (dithered), flatten the image, then save them as single monochrome, ccitt group4 tiffs. - all through scripts.

The multipage tiffs contain pages in grayscale and colour which were created using the old style (problematic) jpeg compression option.

I have tried other tools, such as libtiff (modified with a patch to handle the old jpeg compression), and the latest version of imagemajick. Unfortunately they cannot correctly convert the files, whereas gimp can, but only one page of the multi-page tiff at a time (gimp crashes if I load a 5page document (as separate images) then convert each image to monochrome,flatten and save in one session)

the scripting function for loading tiffs
does not expose the options to load individual pages, or to select loading as images or as layers, which the visual file load/import does.

does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can achieve this using a script.? manually is not a problem, but too time consuming for large (eg. 200page) tiffs.
thanks, tim

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