[Gimp-user] looking for a website/player skin artist

Looking for a web artist who can do a few pieces of art for my website

first I'm looking for somebody to do three player skins:

retro-futurism skin:
take this image[1] and add the jetsons antenna[2]
steampunk skin:
take two bell flower gramophone[3], put a movie projector screen in between the gramophone
alt-OS skin: 
thinking of something Atari TOS based

[1] http://www.predicta.com/images/meteor-big.jpg
[2] https://d44ytnim3cfy5.cloudfront.net/assets/2845624/view_large/tv%201_001.jpg
[3] http://i.ytimg.com/vi/vKEFqNLC8n8/0.jpg

tom_a_sparks "It's a nerdy thing I like to do"
Please use ISO approved file formats excluding Office Open XML - 
Ubuntu wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tomsparks
3 x (x)Ubuntu 10.04, Amiga A1200 WB 3.1, UAE AF 2006 Premium Edition, AF 2012 Plus Edition, Sam440 AOS 4.1.2, 
Roland DXY-1300 pen plotter, Cutok DC330 cutter/pen plotter
Wanted: RiscOS system, GEOS system (C64/C128), Atari ST, Apple Macintosh (6502/68k/PPC only)

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