Re: [Gimp-user] Mac OSX 10.6.8 - GIMP 2.6.11

On 11/8/11 8:32 AM, Bart Hellemans wrote:
> Same here, OS X 10.5.8....
> Bart
> On 8-nov-11, at 16:09, Ken Springer wrote:
>> On 11/7/11 3:03 AM, John Thurgood wrote:
>>> I have downloaded the photographic processing GIMP but cannot
>>> get it to operate in my Mac computer. Can anybody help please?
>>> John
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gimp-user-list mailing list
>>> gimp-user-list gnome org
>> You and me both, John.
>> In my case, all I get is the word GIMP in the menu bar.

I haven't solved the problem, but I know what the problem isn't. It isn't X11 and Gimp.
I wanted to ensure X11 and an old install of XQuartz was completely 
removed, and then reinstall X11.  But I was unable to find anyone that 
could give me a definitive answer.  So, I came up with a different way 
to troubleshoot the issue.
I created a new partition on my hard drive, and then installed a new 
copy of Snow Leopard.  Then installed the Gimp .dmg package.  And Gimp 
would run.
I then reinstalled Snow Leopard on my normal boot partition, and then 
Gimp.  Gimp will not run.
I went back to the new partition to double check that Gimp would run, 
but something had changed the Finder's preferences.  The internal 
drive/partitions were no longer displayed on the desktop.
I also tried another X11 app, Inkscape, with the same results.  It runs 
on the new Snow Leopard install, but not the normal one.
So, there is still some kind of conflict on my normal boot partition, 
and I'm pondering how attack that problem.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 8.0.
Thunderbird 8.0.
LibreOffice 3.3.4

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