Re: [Gimp-gui] What should be the default theme and icon th eme?


On 2016-04-05 20:22, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
Am Freitag, 25. März 2016, 20:34:02 schrieb Jehan:


> Lately in IRC I mentioned icon usability tests. Here are the links:
> I didn't have time to work out user tests, but at least I want
> to give us the chance to optimize our icons for great UX.
> Perhaps we find a way for it.

As said on IRC, we would welcome these tests, as well as any other UX
user testing. I unfortunately really can't make the time myself to
construct such tests. But if anyone is interesting and would prepare
good and relevant tests about this topic or others, we would review
these, and upon validation, I would be in favor of running these (either
in events, like LGM for instance, or from the web by making some form
advertized through a news on…).

I'll be at LGM, so if you need a guinea pig to see how people cope with the
themes I'd he happy to help.

Unfortunately I don't think anyone has prepared any usability tests. Or at least I haven't heard about these.
But come say hi anyway!


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