Hi, I have done a batch job for converting PDF to PNG in batch mode. The source of the file "batch-pdf-to-png.scm"; BEGIN SCRIPT FU ( define (batch-pdf-to-png pattern)( let* ( (filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1))) (filename) (image) (drawable) (fileparts) (pngfilename) ) (gimp-message "Preparing to act on the following files") (gimp-message pattern) (while (not (null? filelist)) (set! filename (car filelist)) (gimp-message "The current file is: ") (gimp-message filename) (set! image (car (file-pdf-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename))) (set! drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (set! fileparts (strbreakup filename ".")) (set! fileparts (butlast fileparts)) (set! pngfilename (string-append (unbreakupstr fileparts ".") ".png")) (gimp-message "The new filename will be: ") (gimp-message pngfilename) (file-png-save-defaults RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable pngfilename pngfilename) (gimp-image-delete image) (set! filelist (cdr filelist)) ) ) ) ; END SCRIPT FUExample of command line on Windows (in the same directory as the script): "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe" -i -b "(batch-pdf-to-png \"C:\\My\ project\\My\ PDFs\\*.pdf\")" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"; --
Camille Desmots |
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