Re: [Gimp-docs] gimp docs compiling in a language different from en ...

Usually, it's <xi:include...

Which file does the error refer to?


Le 26/02/2019 à 17:01, Marco Ciampa via gimp-docs-list a écrit :
Hi people,
have you got any idea?

$make validate-en

all ok

$make validate-it
$make validate-de
$make validate-fr

114 translated messages.
*** Validating XML (it) ...
-:53072: element include: validity error : No declaration for attribute href of element include
             <include href="../about-common-features.xml"/>
-:53072: element include: validity error : No declaration for element include
             <include href="../about-common-features.xml"/>
-:53073: element para: validity error : Element include is not declared in para list of possible children

no matter which language you choose... it will fail...

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