Re: [Gimp-docs] Adding user manual

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 02:08:24PM +0200, Kolbjørn Stuestøl wrote:
I downloaded GIMP 2.10 .0 RC1 version to give it a try.
But the  help manual is missing.
How do I add this help manual to GIMP  on my computer?
Where do I find a description on how to add this manual?
Where do I find the download version of this manual? The only one I am able
to find is the online version. Downloading each side and adding it to the
help folder is not a clever way to add help files.

I have copied the help folder from version 2.9.8 to share → gimp → 2.0 →
help → [folder with language code], but there must be a better way to do


Hi Kolbjørn!
sorry for being so late to reply.
I can compile one version for you and send it to you.
You just have to tell me where do I have to put it and which formats do you want.
Sorry I am not able to create a windows binary package, just the raw compiled form.

Best regards,


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.


 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364


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