Many chapters have to be updated, rebuilt or created. There is no
complete list of what is to be done. You can find some indications
in the "bug" list of Bugzila
Also when you have built the html files of the work in progress,
you will find a What's new in GIMP-2.10 section. But the main way is to compare gimp-2.9.6 with the help html files. The Gimp manual has a long history. Unless you want to create a completely new manual, your work has to fit the existing document. I attach a How to contribute html file that summarizes my experience.
Julien Hardelin Le 14/09/2017 à 17:27, Famiglietti,
Andrew A a écrit :
Welcome to the GIMP-Help team!
This tutorial is intended for writing documentation. If you want to translate the documentation or the user interface, please go to "https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/xx" where "xx" is your language code: ISO 639-1 language codes can be found at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php.
You can join our mailing list at https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs-list. Please, feel free to ask questions.
The GIMP help Manual is lodged in a central repository at http://git.gnome.org. Creating a local copy of this repository to work on makes sure that everyone can work on his own without fuzzing around into works of other contributors.
As a newbie, you will access the git repository anonymously (without an account). Open a terminal and type: git clone git://git.gnome.org/gimp-help-2.
If you have a GNOME account, the command is: git clone ssh://yourusername>@git.gnome.org/git/gimp-help-2 .
This will create a “gimp-help-2” folder in your current directory. Be patient! That's a big download: about 700 MB.
After downloading your local copy, run: cd gimp-help-2 then ./autogen.sh --without-gimp.
When running ./autogen.sh, you can notice some not found packages, for example “checking for dblatex... no”. Most of them are related to PDF files and you have to install them before running ./autogen.sh again if you want to create PDF files.
The GIMP User Manual is maintained in the xml files of the “src” folder. These xml files are used by developers.
The language is English (USA).
To edit XML files, use your preferred text editor. Personally I use Kate. You must set the editor for:
English language.
Indent with 2 spaces (the Tab key must move pointer by two spaces).
Replace tabs with spaces (for compatibility with all text editors and web browsers).
80 characters per line.
Automatic spell checking with English (USA) for default language.
Source files are written in the XML language according to the DocBook DTD. DocBook specifications can be found at http://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.0/docbook.html.
Don't be afraid. We don't use all these items and you will learn XML progressively reading existing XML files. For new files, please use the templates you can find in the gimp-help-2/docs/templates folder.
Note |
If you write a new file, you must add it in the src/gimp.xml file, or in the XML file that calls it (for example, the src/menus/edit.xml file calls undo.xml, redo.xml, fade.xml... and so on). |
When you have finished writing, you must validate your work:
In command line, for a single file, you can use: xmllint --noout your-file.xml. This command displays nothing if your file is OK. Else it indicates where the error is. This command is for quickly sorting an xml file out; it can miss or may not find some errors.
Else just run: make validate-en. You must get a “No error” message.
Else, a list of validity errors is displayed with line numbers referring to the en.xml log file that you can find in the /log folder.
Open this en.xml file in a text editor, type Ctrl+G and enter the line number to jump to the concerned line in the en.xml file. There,you will find the error.
if you have worked on several XML files, look above in the en.xml file to find (in the “xml:base” field of the “id” tag), in which xml file the error is.
Fix the error. Don't forget to save the file and run make validate-en again.
Note |
A frequent foolish mistake is editing the en.xml log file instead of the XML file. |
You also have to manage screenshots. Here are some hints for making good screenshots:
reduce screenshot area as much as possible cropping the window manager borders and disabling the help button (you can do it in the preference dialog),
set the image mode to indexed 255 colors
→ →This is not necessary for icons and if your image has only few colors. In these cases, indexed images are bigger than non-indexed.
set print resolution to 144 ppi (not for small images like icons). You can do this easily with GIMP from
→Export images in the PNG format.
Don't include English text in images. Translators can't translate it and many users don't like that. Use XML captions instead, or provide a .xcf file in the
folder, indicating it by a comment in the XML file: "TRANSLATORS: there is a .xcf file for this image in the docs folder."Icons for GIMP are in usr/share/gimp/2.0/icons. GTK icons are in usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gtk2.
To include an icon in the text:
Three commands to manage your images:
make check-image-resolutions-en: gives the references of images whose resolution is not 144 ppi.
make check-images-en: give references of missing or orphaned images.
mogrify units PixelsPerTrack -density 144x144 *.png to set the print resolution of all PNG images.
Once XML files have been validated, run make html-en. Creating HTML files is important to have an idea about what users will see. You will probably notice some improvements to be made on your XML file.
You can make an HTML draft (when the folder xml/en has been created during validation) for a single source xml file, by running, for instance, the command make xml/en/concepts/brushes.draft. This create the brushes-draft.html for the brushes.xml file. But images are not embedded in draft files.
You can also use yelp and run yelp file:///your-file.xml.
When your files are ready:
if you don't have a GNOME account, you must find a correspondent who accepts to "push" files for you; that will not be difficult if you send a message to the list. Either you send your xml files and the attached images in a compressed file, (in a tree reproducing that of the scr and images folders if you send several files to make your correspondent's task easier), or you send a "patch" that you have to create.
Before creating a patch, you have to get all your xml files and images in the index. Being in the gimp-help-2 folder, do git status. If you have files in the Untracked files section, run git add -A.
Then run diff --full-index --binary origine > name-of-the-patch to create the patch.
All being well, you know how to manage Git. There are many tutorials for that on the Web.
ID's, which identify commands and are used when pressing the F1 key in the GIMP interface, are in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/tree/app/widgets/gimphelp-ids.h
XML Tags Examples
procedure: in using/web.xml.
table: in toolbox/tools-painting.xml.
programlisting: in filters/web/slice.xml.
segmentedlist: in dialogs/path-dialog.xml for a n columns list.
Here is a diagram I often use.
Working under Windows
If you are using Windows you have to install Cygwin or a similar program to simulate Linux to be able to install the programs used in translation or writing. This chapter will tell you how to install Cygwin on Windows and what packages needed to work on gimp-help.
The first thing to do is downloading the “setup.exe” from http://www.cygwin.com/ and save it on your computer. You need this program every time you have to do changes in Cygwin, so save it on a place easily to find, e.g. “D:/cygwin/cygwin.exe”.
Open the program setup.exe by double-clicking on it. This will open the start window. Click on the “Next” button to open a window where you have to choose how to install Cygwin. The default setting is “Install from Internet”. This means that the downloaded files will be saved on your computer before the files will be used to install Cygwin. This is the easiest way to do it.
In the next window you have to choose where to install Cygwin on your computer. The default is C:\cygwin which is a good choice. Normally you also chooses the installation for all users.
If you marked the “Download without Installing” in the previous window you will instead get a window where you determines where to save the files. This window will be the next window if you install from internet.
The next window is how the computer is connected to internet. Normally you choose the default setting.
In the window “Choose A Download Site” you will find lots of sites to download from. You may choose any of those starting with “http://”, but it is a good rule to select one near you. The installation program makes a folder with the same name as the site you downloads from. If you change site, all the previous downloads will be downloaded again in the new folder. That is not a problem. Normally the program remember the last site used the next time you open it.
The next window lists all package categories available in Cygwin. A package contains programs or program parts to be used in Cygwin. You do not need all of them. As you see, every category is followed by a symbol and the word “Default”. This means that the installer will only load the packages necessary to run a minimum version of Cygwin. So go on and press the “Next” button and admire the progress of the downloading in the next window.
When downloading and installing is finished your copy of Cygwin is ready to be adapted to GIMP.
I am not able to guarantee that the procedure described here will work for you. It is a resume of the way I did it. Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
To be sure that Cygwin will use your language and the char code used
in GIMP documentation I changed the batch file used to open Cygwin.
(After saving a copy of the original batch file.) If you used the
default installation you will find the batch file in
. Rewrite the batch file to
@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
set LANG=[language-code].UTF-8
bash --login -i
If you have put Cygwin in another location than the default, you have to write the new path instead of “C:\cygwin\bin” above. You may find your language code in http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/localization.html.
Then you are ready for the next step. Open “cygwin/startup.exe ” and click on “Next” until you reach the package window. You need the following packages:
Devel/automake 1.12
The first package to be installed is the “automake 1.12” in the “Devel” category. Click on the + mark in front of the category's name (Devel) to open the package list. Search down the rightmost column to find the package name “automake 1.12”. Click once on the word “Skip”. The text will change to “1.12.3-1” which is the version number for the choosed package. Do the same with the other packages in the list above. Some packages will be marked “Keep” instead of “Skip ”. This means that these packages already are installed. Do not alter these settings unless you know for certain that this package should be deleted, or reloaded, or something else.
When you have marked all packages to be added to Cygwin you press “Next”. You will then be told that the packages you selected needs some additional packages. Accept this. When you reaches the end of the updating, your Cygwin copy is ready for all that stuff mentioned in the start of this side.
Some packages, especially those needed for PDF, can't be found with setup.exe. You can try installing them from sources. You can use "wget url-to-the-package" to download the wanted package, but, as you have to know the url, the best way is browsing the web under Windows; download the package (usually a .tar.gz file) and copy-paste into the Cygwin folder.
Then run tar -xvzf your-package
to decompress
the package.
Go into the new folder and read the INSTALL file for instructions about installation.
Note |
pngnq cannot be installed from sources under Cygwin (dark problems with the libz library). The installation procedure to install docbook2odf is explained at |
If you run into problems as mysterious error messages and so one, feel free to ask for help on the mailing list mentioned on the top of this page.