Re: [Gimp-docs] 'make pdf' fails

I managed to get the stack to genreate ODF's (Open Docuement Files) to
work during last year - in an old install - and it was quite some work
on a fedora system. Not sure if I'd still be able to do it on my new system.
At the end of the process I had to manually open (unzip and edit the
xml) the generated file to fix something
(character encoding related)

I think PDF's are easier to get by - not sure if it would work
out-of-the box here as well.


On 10 December 2015 at 11:33, Ulf-D. Ehlert <ude88 web de> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 08:31:08AM +0100, Julien Hardelin wrote:
I downloaded the babel-french package. Its installation is not clear fo me :

If the latest version of this package is not included in your LaTeX
distribution, do the following:
* issue "luatex frenchb.ins" to unpack the language definition files,
* copy the files frenchb.ldf and frenchb.lua to a location where TeX
  can find them (default location: $TEXMF/tex/generic/babel-french/)./

Please, could you explain me all that?

Note that my solution worked for me, but that does not mean that it's
the correct/best/only way. You should first check how it works under
openSUSE-Leap, e.g. check /path/to/dblatex/.../lang.xsl, check which
babel or french package are installed, etc.
Maybe there's a much better way (without patching dblatex).

And remember that I bypassed the openSUSE package system, I'm using a
Tex Live DVD. All *I* had to do was "tlmgr install babel-french"...

Consider me as a newbie in this domain.

... and that's all I know - I'm a newbie too!

I recommend that you install the proper Ubuntu (or Debian?) package,

Alternatively you can try to just follow the instructions.
Set TEXMF to ~/.texmf and install the files:

        luatex frenchb.ins
        mkdir -vp $TEXMF/{tex,source,doc}/generic/babel-french
        cp -pv frenchb.{ldf,lua} $TEXMF/tex/generic/babel-french
        cp -pv frenchb.{dtx,ins} $TEXMF/source/generic/babel-french
        cp -pv frenchb.pdf README $TEXMF/doc/generic/babel-french

Look easy. :) Good luck! ;)


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