Re: [Gimp-docs] OT: experimenting with docbook-xml

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 07:58:18PM +0200, Ulf-D. Ehlert wrote:
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 03:18:14AM +0200, Marco Ciampa wrote:
Since I want to understand a bit more about the gimp build sistem
I am trying to do the things by hand.

I do not know automake/autotool so I do not really know how html, for
instance, files are created.

I copied all xml dir outside gimp tree dir and tried to build html by
hand and failed miserably.

I do not know docbook-xml either and I now know I was a bit "naive"
thinking that a mere

 docbook2html it/gimp.xml

will suffice.

Can anyone help me understand? What I am missing?

A simple way to see what's happening is

        make --dry-run <what_ever> | less

Many thanks! Without your hint I would never thought that --dry-run could
printout the commands (a quick look at the manual page confirmed it but
--- who read the manuals anyway? ;-)

So in the gimp-help directory try e.g.

        make --dry-run html-en | less

to see how the English html manual is built, while       

        make --dry-run html-it | less

will show you how to build a translated manual.

Done, very instructive!

You will see that the main tool is "xsltproc"; I don't know
"docbook2html" and can't tell you if (and how) it can be used to
create html. 

xsltproc will suffice, thanks...


a quick look at che stylesheets included ... what a nightmare!

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Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

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