Re: [Gimp-docs] OT: experimenting with docbook-xml

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:20:23PM +1000, Roman Joost wrote:
Dear Marco,

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 03:18:14AM +0200, Marco Ciampa wrote:
Since I want to understand a bit more about the gimp build sistem
I am trying to do the things by hand.

I do not know automake/autotool so I do not really know how html, for
instance, files are created.

I copied all xml dir outside gimp tree dir and tried to build html by
hand and failed miserably.

I do not know docbook-xml either and I now know I was a bit "naive"
thinking that a mere

 docbook2html it/gimp.xml

will suffice.

Can anyone help me understand? What I am missing?
It's just a matter of tooling. I'm not sure what the outcome of your
docbook2html attempt was, but I assume it was negative.
yes because it does not include anything

We chose to split up our manual into separate files according to the
help ID GIMP uses. Each file is tied into the manual with include
statements (xi:includes) to make up the book.
yes I knew this, the question is: why the command do not recognize the
include command?

Furthermore, translations are separated into separate files. You'll need
to basically compile a translated version of the manual in order to
generate a translated HTML version out of it.
yes, this too, but I want to make a step at a time... and recreate a GIMP
build script from scratch just to understand better how the things works,
without all that automake/autoconf confusing (for me) matter...

Potentially your tool will work. Look for --xinclude parameters in order
to build the manual. You'll have to find a way though, to create new
*translated* docbook files if you want anything else than English.
there are no --xinclude parameters in docbook2html command. I am not even
sure if it is really this the command that gimp makefiles trigger. 

Sorry I am not able to "read" make/automake scripts and this is my first

Feel free to ask more questions if you want.
I do not want to boring you with trivial questions but I do not know whom
to ask about ...

Many thanks.


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

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