I finally finished the tutorial that I was talking about with you a couple of months ago. You mentioned then that I could either send it in Word Processor format or take attempt to convert it to HTML.
Which of the two methods would be easiest for you? I am not sure if it is easier to fix a document that I might get partially 'right' or just start from scratch. Maybe you could take a look at it and give me your opinion on the best way to proceed.
I have it on a share at should see the file AutomateEditingInGimp.odt and the corresponding .pdf file. It was written using LibreOffice Writer. The jpeg pictures in the same directory. The code examples are in the directories plug-ins and myXml.
I was able to get html directly out of Writer that looked real good in Firefox, I just don't know if some of the tags might cause problems within the help system. If not, the job could be easy! One problem that I did notice with the automatically generated html was that the images were no longer centered, but other than this issue, it looked good, and the links seemed to work. If you want me to generate a copy of the html, let me know.
The tutorial is kind of long, wish I could have made it shorter, but since it uses some Gimp features that aren't documented elsewhere, I had to expand on them.