Re: [Gimp-developer] no save/discard/cancel dialog after doing a gradient

În data de Sat, 17 Oct 2020 14:09:23 -0400, Christopher Curtis a scris:

Open GIMP, create whatever new image (say, some banner), activate
the gradient tool, apply some random gradient.

By closing the image window or GIMP itself, the image disappears
without asking anything. [...]

I can partially-replicate this: If I use the gradient tool but do not
"commit" the gradient, GIMP will close without prompting. If I hit
<Enter> to complete the gradient I am prompted when closing the

Yes, true.

Although this somewhat makes sense, it seems not quite consistent (well, in my opinion): if I initiate the 
gradient and then save the image without prior pressing <Enter>, then the saved image *does* contain the 
gradient applied.

BTW, this applies the same to rotate, perspective, cage etc.

Thanks for the observation.


Cristian Secară

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