[Gimp-developer] someone with Linux to confirm a (translation) bug

I'm on Windows 10 64bit and observed the following tooltip strange behaviour (read: error).

My system is in Romanian, but use a small .bat file to launch GIMP in whatever language I need to check. 
Example for German:

set lang=de
cd /D "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\"
start gimp-2.10.exe -n

1. Open a GIMP instance in a non-English language, with no image (just GIMP).
Go to the equivalent menu for Colors -> Components -> hover the mouse over the Compose... or Recompose menu 
Result: both tooltips are translated in the intended language.

2. In same GIMP instance, create or open whatever image.
Go again to the equivalent menu for Colors -> Components -> hover the mouse over the Compose... or Recompose 
menu entry
Result: both tooltips are in English language (i.e. no longer translated).



Cristian Secară

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