Re: [Gimp-developer] GEGL Drop Shadow filter not working

On Sat, Jan 05, 2019 at 09:07:11AM +0100, Julien Hardelin wrote:
Wel, I progress.

With text layers, GEGL and Legacy Drop Shadow filters work the same.

With images, to get, with the GEGL filter, the same effect as the Legacy
filter, I must use a complex procedure:

- Open the original image

- Open a transparent image a little bigger than the original image.

- Copy-paste the original image into the transparent image.

- This creates a floating selection. Anchor the floating selection.

- Apply GEGL Drop Shadow.

VoilĂ .

I did:

- Open the original image

- If not present add an alfa channel

- Select the object you want to drop a shadow

- Invert the selection

- Cut the selection

- Past the selection into another layer

- Put that layer as the bottom layer

- Select the first/object layer

- Remove any selection

- Drop the shadow


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.


 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364


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