Re: [Gimp-developer] darktable plugin does not work

Am Donnerstag, 11. April 2019, 18:25:52 CEST schrieb Maurizio Paglia:
here below messages I see when I try to open a raw file

[file-darktable.c] trying to call

    /home/mau/Immagini/Archivio/2016-04 Mantova/_DSC0174.NEF

That looks fine.

Now dt window is opened but completely black.

Does dt consume CPU while sitting there?

I force closing using the window bar.
Other messages after dt window is killed

[GTK css errors]

Do you maybe have a version of dt that was compiled for another version of GTK
than what you have installed? Maybe something that was intended for another
release of your distro?

That being said, could you try to run the same command as lined out in the top
of the mail? With all the --conf arguments, ...? Maybe add a "-d lua" to it,

Thank you again,


PS: No need to mail me directly, I am on the mailing list.


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