[Gimp-developer] introducing me


My name is Carlos Eduardo, but the people of the free software world in
Brazil know me as Cadunico.

I am the organizer of GNUGRAF, an event that hosted LGM last year at PUC

For many years João Bueno has been insinuating me to join the Gimp
development mailing list.

I am a designer and for many years I use only free software in my works.
With this João and I always discuss points and views about the Gimp.
Whenever his final replies are "enter the list and suggest, enter the list
and propose to do, bla bla bla!

Today I decided to do this! I'm on the list with a lot of willingness to
contribute. Be with visual arts for interface and other features or ideas
for the project.

Before even posting suggestions or contributions, I would like to get a few
points about myself.

First of all my English is bad, so I apologize beforehand if you do not
express it to me. I also apologize in advance if you do not understand some
explanation of the members of the list. Either one of these two situations
I will request or I will try to express myself better.

Second point is my free time, I am the father of 2 very small children and
freelancer, so free time is almost zero for me. So if I take too long to
respond or get lost on the treads I apologize in advance.

Well I think at first this is, I hope to be a very productive member in
this environment because I love the Gimp of passion and I really want to
see it dominate the world! GNU!

Carlos Eduardo
Design Livre

Faça parte do GNUGRAF !

*AGORA É LEI: 5978 de 24/05/211*
* "Os órgaõs e entidades da administração pública direta, indireta,
autárquica e fundacional do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, bem como os órgãos
autônomos e empresas sob o controle estatal adotarão preferencialmente,
formatos abertos de arquivos para a criação, armazenamento e
disponibilização digital de documentos". *

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