Re: [Gimp-developer] Colored Quick mask also to Grayscaled images

my 2 Rupees:
   An option to change the mask to any hue we want would help. Additionally
an option of automatic continuous slow rotation of the hue of the mask
would help (in the same way marching ants help).

On Fri 10 Nov, 2017, 19:53 Carol Spears, <carol spears gmail com> wrote:

On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Mario Sottile - Marionetas Mey <
mariomey gmail com> wrote:

When I work with an grayscaled image (now, with x-ray photo), quick mask
is also gray... it is almost invisible. In this case, I think it's more
important to have it colored than with a colored photo!

Just convert it to RGB.  Image->Mode->RGB

You are right, btw, about it being important to use a color mask on a black
and white image.

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