Re: [Gimp-developer] [feature-request] enhancement of the foreground selection Tool

Am Freitag, 10. November 2017, 04:49:48 CET schrieb Boris Hajdukovic:

At the moment I am using GIMP developer version 2.9.7 and I am very
impressed with the results of Levin-Matting engine. However, the
calculation with this engine is very time-consuming. I believe that the
calculation time can be significantly reduced if the steps in the selection
process can be modified.

For now, the following steps are necessary:

1) make a rough selection around the object that needs to be selected
2) use brush to paint foreground, unknown and background area.
3) press ENTER to start selection algorithm
4) if you are not satisfied with the result, make further foreground,
unknown and background corrections with a brush.

The problem with this fourth step is that the algorithm is started
automatically after each brush stroke which increases the calculation time

You can get back to drawing without having the algorithm run after every 
stroke by unchecking"Preview mask" in the floating controls in the top right 
corner of the canvas.




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