Re: [Gimp-developer] State of Libre Graphics Union 2016 - call for Slides

I'm doing the video for the Inkscape project. I can toss one together for
GIMP as well (mentioned in previous emails)
Is there still interest in this, or would someone rather do slides?

Note that a video creates much more of an impact and allows us to show off
GIMP's new eyecandy.

If interested please provide a complete list of features to highlight.

Also, thanks to the Libre graphics folks for extending it to more than 20
seconds. lol

Cheers. :)


On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Joao S. O. Bueno <gwidion gmail com> wrote:

Dear Folks at GIMP -

The first presentation event in this years LGM program is ‘state of
Libre Graphics’. A common update for many of the projects across our
Libre Graphics community. This frees up room in the schedule for deeper
topics or fresh projects; while still giving us a chance to know what
has been going on in various ongoing libre graphics related efforts; not
only software projects, but also our various curation, publication and
umbrella projects.

More information on this presentation here - inclding the slides or video
conventions and formating -

The slides should be sent to me at this e-mail (gwidion gmail com ) up
to Friday the 8th of April -


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