Re: [Gimp-developer] Pencil - Tool Options and Hardness

That's fine, except then you lose a dedicated tool to switch back and forth

That said, I never ever have any use for the pencil tool. It would not make
me sad to see it go in favour of reducing number of tools.
It hardly seems worth having two tools that do the same thing apart from
one option.

My 2p.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Ofnuts <ofnuts gmx com> wrote:

Shouldn't we instead get rid of the pencil tool and add a no-anti-aliasing
option to the brush?

On 20/06/16 20:51, C R wrote:

Yep, may as well. lol

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Andrew Pullins <android2772 gmail com>

Sounds like a good idea
On Jun 15, 2016 10:51 PM, "Americo Gobbo" <jag rabisco gmail com> wrote:

Hi all,
The Hardness parameter to Pencil Tool is not utilized, but is present in
its Tool Options. Reading the documentation: “The Pencil tool is used to
draw free hand lines with a hard edge. The pencil and paintbrush are
similar tools. The main difference between the two tools is that
both use the same type of brush, the pencil tool will not produce fuzzy
edges, even with a very fuzzy brush. It does not even do anti-aliasing.”
If I have reason, I suggest delete the hardness Pencil parameter on tool
options, to avoid mistakes/misleading on the UI.

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