Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP 2.9.x AppImage for testing

Thanks for checking, John!

On 05 Aug 2016, at 12:18, jcupitt gmail com wrote:

On 5 August 2016 at 10:00, Carmelo DrRaw <aferrero1975 gmail com> wrote:
Last night I have prepared a first appimage for testing. It contains:

It seems to work well on gubuntu 16.04! I have some small comments:

* I get the "Should a desktop file ..." install message on every
launch, which is slightly annoying.

If you choose OK it should go away… I think a desktop shortcut is quite handy if one starts to use the 
appimage frequently.

* The toolboxes were sized rather small on first launch, but perhaps
that was something carried over from my previous gimp settings. I
resized them larger and the setting was remembered next launch.

* The dark theme is nice, but contrast is too low on some elements.
For example, on the brush select filter. Probably not an issue for you

That’s a task for the Gimp theme makers, I guess. The AppImage uses whatever theme is available in git.

* I loaded a jpg, imported to working space, applied a gegl filter,
used a mypaint brush, tried a gmic filter, it all seemed to work well,
as far as I can see. I don't have any RAWs handy, so I was unable to
test that.

Well, that’s already 90% of what is included in the package!

One issue I am trying to figure out is how to enable third-party plug-ins… I‘m afraid that the appimage does 
not allow to run binary plug-ins not originally included into it, but I still might be wrong and too 
Python-based plug-ins should not be problem though.


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