[Gimp-developer] Not working dds plug-in in 2.8.14

Hallo there,

i don't know if i'm using this right here, but here i go.

I can't get the dds plugin (from here: https://code.google.com/p/gimp-dds/downloads/list) to work with build 2.8.14 (downloaded from gimp.org).
I use 2.6.7 because here the old dds plug-in 2.0.9 works just fine.
I tried the 32 bit and 64 bit Version from 3.0.1, installed it at C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins and even tried it in the users/.gimp folder.
Nothing works.
First i had gimp installed in a different path at D:/Programs..., there nothing from the dds plug-in worked. I reinstalled it at the standard path, and then i could open dds files but i was not able to save as dds.

I have no idea why and google only brings up posts from people who don't read the read me and then ask where to put the dds.exe and that executing the .exe says that some dll is missing, so i'm stuck with 2.6.7, which i can install where i want and the dds plug in works.

I hope this belongs here and you guys can help and understand me (English is not my first language)

Have a good day and please help :)

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