Re: [Gimp-developer] Feature Request: FULL SCREEN (preview) mode for layer.

On Tue, 2014-02-25 at 11:41 -0800, stp wrote:
f11 is not really a fullscreen. 

I mean a fullscreen like e.g. in irfanview (for windows),

I don't have Windows here.

When I press F11 I get just the image, no scrollbars or anything else. I
do have to press control-shift-j if I want the image scaled to fit,
since I don't have the preference set to do that automatically. You can
control what's visible in full screen mode in edit/preferences.

Would be cool to have a fullscreen key or a key (menu item) that combines
shift plus j, Tab, and f11 altogether. 

Yes - I think this can't be scripted today; the gimp UI itself is not
very scriptable unfortunately. Or maybe someone will prove me wrong!


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
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