Re: [Gimp-developer] Blinds filter unavailable in GIMP master

On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 21:55 +0100, scl wrote:

where has the Distorts/Blinds... filter gone in master?
I looked twice and refreshed the scripts, but the filter
is away. It happens in GIMP master on Linux and Windows.
Also the [GEGL porting matrix] doesn't contain it.
Is this a bug or by intention?
It's this commit:

commit 5a851c3c9b2b777170fbee4fafdd27e91c01baf4
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date:   Thu May 3 03:59:19 2012 +0200

    plugins: hide blinds operation

But I don't remember why exactly it was hidden.


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