Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP release: 2.8.10 request, OS X


On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Partha Bagchi <partha1b gmail com> wrote:
Hi Sven,

Have been away for the Thanksgiving holidays.:)

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 4:59 AM, scl <scl gplus gmail com> wrote:


today there was [bugreport] about outdated builds for OSX.

One reason for not being able to provide an official GIMP 2.8.8.
on OS X build were serious issues on OS X Mavericks, for instance
the [showstopper in the Text tool]. These have been solved in
the meantime (thanks especially to Simone Karin Lehmann, Michael
Natterer and Daniel Sabo).

Therefore I think we should bring out GIMP 2.8.10 soon,
including an official OS X build (preferably also for some older
OS X versions). As far as I know Claytons build is at the ready.
All we need is a 2.8.10 bump, don't we?

This situation shows us another weakness again:
there are at least four people working on an OS X release:
Clayton Walker, Simone Karin Lehmann, Partha Bagchi and
David Evans (Macports), not to mention the (still active?) maintainer
of the outdated Fink build and the various people building GIMP
on their own Macs. All of them do it in their rare spare time.
All of them struggle alone with the special build issues of GIMP
on OS X, its dependencies and the API incompatibilities between the
various OS X versions.
Can you guys and girls please find a way to work together?
What makes it so hard to speak to another at the mailing list or IRC
and unite your forces? Come on, we don't bite ;-)

Thanks for mentioning me. :)

I am happy to collaborate with anyone on my builds. Note that I build Gimp
and all dependencies from scratch using OSX gcc version 4.2.1; that is, I
build gtk+, glib, pango, cairo etc. etc. etc. and then I build Gimp. I also
include plugins that I believe are useful to photographers, well at least
useful to me.

This would be very nice.
I have a few questions:
1/ Do you patch GIMP? Is it the reason why you make your own GIMP
build? If so, would you please contribute us all your patches? We
would be happy to check them and see what can be merged in our own
source. We are already working on merging some of Simone Karin
Lehmann's patches to improve our OSX code.
2/ Do you patch some of the third parties? GTK+, glib, etc. If so,
have you tried to contributing upstream to these various projects?
3/ What is exactly the list of plugins you include in your build?
3/ Is there anything else which would prevent you to work with us on
delivering a robust upstream OSX build (faster than currently after a
source release!) instead of duplicating the work? Note that we have
obviously nothing about third party builds. If you really wish to, you
can still make your own builds (maybe slightly different), even though
you would help us making the upstream one. But even so, this could
profit to all of us, for instance by sharing build systems, thus
improving the procedure.
Ideally we could automatize all builds for very easy and early release!

The way I see it, if we find a way to automatize builds, then we could
generate them on a server with no further human input, and available
for testers, which would make releases very easy to test (and
regenerate in case of issue) before any release.

Finally, it's not really feasible for me to come to IRC and hence I loose
out on some of those discussion.

Why is that? As I said to Simone too, I am not fond of IRC myself and
probably don't connect as much as the other contributors, but I make
some time to hang around there. If this is the price of collaboration,
it is not too high. Or is that a technical impossibility? (behind some
port-blocking firewall in a company or something?)



Thanks in advance,


Thanks again,


[showstopper in the Text tool]:
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