Re: [Gimp-developer] image modes and indications

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:30 PM, c55 inator <c55inator gmail com
<mailto:c55inator gmail com>> wrote:

    Error messages and warnings in the status bar are incredibly easy to
    ignore... I would suggest something like pixelmator [screen capture]
    <>, which displays overlays on the
    canvas [here shown with keyboard shortcuts, but the same model can
    be applied to other notifications].  Displaying information with
    on-canvas pop-ups like this works well in my experience, as they
    don't waste any screen space while being there when needed. Example
    of a pop-up used for dimensions <>.

I'm in favor of this general model. MyPaint has recently got canvas
overlays, and they're, so far, used to display zoom level changes. I
find them both very readable, noticable, and also non-obtrusive. I think
a lot of the instructions and information we currently put in the status
bar could be usefully moved to an overlay -- tool usage instructions are
a prime example, look at the paths tool for an example of something
that'll really benefit hugely; and 'wrong mode' info is something I have
to deal with a fair bit, it would also be good there.

One other thing is, if we are going to be informing the user that the
image mode is wrong, we should offer them a chance to easily correct it.

I generally agree with idea of "on canvas" indicators with one objection: they have to be easy to hide temporarily during performed operation. My reason is that when displayed, indicators, are "becoming a part of design" thus "disturbing it" and in some cases forcing designer to readjust changes made only a seconds ago because "numbers/guides/handles" distorted his/her judgement when to stop.

My best!

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