[Gegl-developer] [PATCH] babl: resolve ambiguous calling of real_babl_log with va_args


I've been building gegl on my mac because I want to use it as a platform to learn OpenCL, and I simply prefer Xcode as the development environment. While figuring out how all the various pieces should be built, a noticed this problem during a call to babl_fatal. Also, I couldn't seem to find a separate mailing list for babl, so I'm assuming that patches will be appropriate on this list (is that right?)

I will be happy to rework the patch if someone is willing to apply it.



[Sorry if my email format isn't what the list normally expects. Actual patch attached]

Attachment: 0001-resolve-ambiguous-calling-of-real_babl_log-with-va_a.patch
Description: Binary data

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