[Gegl-developer] Problem building a simple example

Hello everyone,
I am trying to build a simple program using GEGL, but I fail.
It's the simple program in the http://www.gegl.org/ page.
Here is the command line I used:

$ gcc fractal.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags gegl` -o fractal
gcc: erreur: unrecognized option ‘-j1’

I am using Ubuntu Precise 12.04 GNU/Linux.
I installed libgegl-0.0-dev from the main APT sources that come with
this version of Ubuntu.

What should I do to be able to build this on Precise?
Should I use some other version of GEGL?

Thank you!
Alexandre Quessy
http://alexandre.quessy.net - Artiste en nouveaux médias
http://perte-de-signal.org - Membre de Perte de signal
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