[Gegl-developer] Journal for changes to a GEGL graph

Also at LGRU (http://www.piksel.no/pulse/lgru), Øyvind allowed me to
pick his brain about recording, storing and replaying changes done to
a GEGL graph.

== Usecases ==
* Base for undo/redo stacks in GEGL based applications
* Automated testing of GEGL graph manipulation API and interactive view widgets
* Sharing and manipulation of a GEGL graph between multiple programs

The brain picking was quite fruitful and together we came up with an
initial specification for this feature, including the file format and
API: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl/tree/docs/journal.txt

This is kind-of a hot feature which can enable a lot of cool things,
so I am hoping that someone may be interested in helping to implement

Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

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