Charles (earlier in this thread) presented a reasonable Claws Mail spell-checking solution -- my Claws installation lacks an integrated spell checker -- that got me thinking and experimenting. Here is my solution/summary. SOLUTION: Spell Checking in Claws Mail Using aspell Background: I work in a corporate environment, on a CentOS-based computer without root access, where it was claimed that Claws Mail could not be installed. After I requested some needed packages (dependencies), I managed to compile Claws mail myself in my home directory, and it works fine. However, despite enchant being installed earlier by Systems (our support staff), it never worked right; e.g., my ~/.config./enchant/en_us.dic is overwritten to 0 bytes whenever I log out; this issue was never resolved. Perhaps related, when I compiled Claws Mail in my $HOME directory using ./configure --prefix=$HOME/... it compiled Claws without spell checking support. I therefore also (re-installed) enchant, set the $PATH, etc., and recompiled Claws -- all to no avail - any of these issues. Workaround: 1. Install (local user) GNU aspell (; see 'man aspell' for moreinformation). 2. Also need to install an aspell dictionary; my aspell dictionary is at ~/.aspell.en.pws; usage: aspell -c <file> 3. Enable a Claws Mail aspell-based spell check "action" (Configuration:Actions... menu): Per the example provided at ... Check spelling (Open a terminal and check the spelling with ispell): ... I modified this action to work with aspell (vs. ispell: not installed) and gnome-terminal (vs. xterm: not installed): | T=`mktemp $HOME/.tmpXXX`; cat - > $T ; gnome-terminal --geometry 150x55+25+25 -x aspell -c $T; printf ' ' >> $T; cat $T; rm $T | 4. Set Claws Mail keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-L) for aspell action: a. Configuration:Preferences:Other:Miscellaneous:Enable customizable keyboard shortcuts menu b. Hover over the Tools:Actions:aspell menu item in both the Claws main program window and separately in the message composition window and type your shortcut (e.g., Ctrl-L) Notes: 1. System environment, versions: Claws 3.10.1 on CentOS 6.5 Final 64-bit; aspell -v: @(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 2. Claws Mail actions: 3. mktemp: see (e.g.) linux mktemp man page ( and (for " too few X's in template" error message) 4. cat - > : The '-' is important! Per the linux cat man page (provided example - annotated here): cat f - g ## Output f’s contents, then standard input [i.e. the '-'], then g’s contents." 5. gnome-terminal --geometry 150x55+25+25 ## width x height + xpos + ypos; adjust per your preference (or simply omit the --geometry option) 6. Problem - a quirk? The last character is truncated (omitted) when the output is returned to Claws; it is not due to aspell (tested independently using the same text in a text file using aspell in the terminal); the input is fine up to that point, so it must be in the latter "cat $T;" or "|" parts of the action command. Workarounds: a. Include a trailing space in your message, prior to running aspell. b. Alternatively (per, modify the action script as follows (also implemented above, in case this portion of these notes is deleted or not read): programmatically add a trailing space at the end of the $T temporary file that is returned to Claws Mail (printf ' ' >> $T;): | T=`mktemp $HOME/.tmpXXX`; cat - > $T ; gnome-terminal --geometry 150x55+25+25 -x aspell -c $T; printf ' ' >> $T; cat $T; rm $T | 7. If there are no spelling errors, aspell will simply execute and terminate; i.e., it will appear that nothing has happened. 8. aspell, aspell dictionary installation notes (CentOS 6; abbreviated here): a. Install aspell binary [] ./configure --prefix=$HOME/Linux/apps/aspell Set path (see: echo 'export PATH=/home/vstuart/Linux/apps/aspell/:$PATH' ## Note! Appending $PATH at the end, rather than the beginning, To make this path permanent, add the following to your ~/.bashrc: export PATH=/home/vstuart/Linux/apps/aspell/bin/:$PATH b. Install aspell dictionary ./configure --help In the following I guessed at the PREFIX= bit, but it seemed to work. I had to dig around for "prezip-bin" : it is here (in my aspell installation): /home/vstuart/Linux/apps/aspell/bin/prezip-bin So, the three steps are: ./configure --vars PREFIX=--prefix=$HOME/Linux/apps/aspell ASPELL=/home/vstuart/Linux/apps/aspell/bin/aspell 9. Also added aspell binary path to ~/.bashrc: alias aspell='echo " [~/Linux/apps/aspell/bin/aspell]" && /home/vstuart/Linux/apps/aspell/bin/aspell' Q.E.D. :-)