[gedit-list] problem with snippets plugin


When I tried to make a new snippet for "ä", I found a problem.

I want to type in "ä" with "a + : + tab". It looks very natural. When you write a-umlaut with your hand, you will write "a" first, and put two dots on it. It's the same way. I like it. When I used to use Emacs, I made that kind of macros.

I tried to make a snippet, but the plugin returns me this message:

"Triggers can either contain alphanumeric charcaters (or _, : and .) or a single (non-alphanumeric) characters like: {, [, etc."

So I can't make neither a-umlaut snippet, or ã(a-tilde), it goes on...

Is there any good reason for this restriction?

Sincerely, Jeongtae

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