[gedit-list] Hello All

Hi Folks,

I want to introduce myself to the group. My name is Jono Finger and I currently spend much of my days as a developer at a biotech company in Southern Connecticut. I started hanging in the gedit IRC about a year ago when I was working on a few plugins.

Several of you have been very helpful in answering my many questions about the API and I am thankful to have had you as mentors. I have become versed in PyGTK, created a couple plugins, and have updated various existing plugins so they work with Gedit3.

Up till now I have been using github, and I just today received a Gnome git account. Hopefully I can help with future work in gedit-plugins particularly in the Python area. These days I spend a lot of time in C# and _javascript_ so perhaps I can be helpful in those areas if needed.

Thanks for helping me and thanks for having me.


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