Re: [gedit-list] gedit-markdown: syntax coloring, snippets, MIME type and embedded HTML preview for Markdown

jpfleury a écrit le 2009-05-20 17:34 :
> Hi,
> I wrote the plugin gedit-markdown, licensed under GPLv3 or any later
> version.


gedit-markdown version 2 is out. What's new:

- complete rewrite of syntax highlighting and snippets;
- file extension association for `.markdown`, `.md` and `.mdtxt`;
- documentation and installer updated ans translated in English;
- plugin *Markdown Preview* improved:
  - own subfolder (`~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/markdown-preview`);
  - translatable (in French and English for now);
  - switch from GtkHTML to WebKit;
  - Python Markdown updated to latest version;
  - shortcut `Ctrl+Maj+M` (to generate preview) changed to `Ctrl+Alt+M`.

**About:** gedit-markdown adds support for Markdown in gedit.
Specifically, it adds:

- MIME type for Markdown files, and file extension association
(`.markdown`, `.md` and `.mdtxt`);
- Markdown syntax highlighting and snippets in gedit;
- plugin *Markdown Preview* for gedit, previewing in HTML the currently
opened file.

Web site (documentation, screen shots and download):

- (fr)
- (en)

Also, a bug tracker can be used to submit bugs and feature requests:


Jean-Philippe Fleury

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