[gedit-list] Filebrowser plugin testport to GIO

Here is a test to port filebrowser plugin to GVfs


Use it own your own risk it will crash!!!

Knows Bugs:

* Bookmark will not show root partition, dont know why probadly related
to GVolume stuff need to check how this work later...

* If deleting a file it will not refresh file contents on remote files.
(Monitor will work on local files atleast in Unix dunno in windows). 

* Icon stuff only shows default icons for files/dirs atm...

* Directory reading needs to be more optimized on large directorys. 
  (My Vala FileModel test framework maybe could replace the old
browser-store implementation?)

* Async delete/rename is not supported 

* For some reason there is leeks because of wrong unrefs/memcorruption
because the browser will crash randomly :-( Need to check this

* Code needs cleanup

Features I want :-)

In the future I want to implement a "locationentry" in the browser that
will be shown in the toolbar when user press  <control>L with Tab
completion functionality if other are intrested?

As soon as the plugin is more stable I will send a upstream patch :-)


Mikael Hermansson

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