[gedit-list] Plugin - cscope and ctags frontend


I put together a cscope and ctags plugin for gedit.
The code is available at http://people.cc.jyu.fi/~gfekete/codelight/
A screenshot is there too ;)

I made it for gedit 2.13.92.
It has the basic features implemented.
I tried to make the code as modular and readable as possible.
There are some weird file names because first it was hard coded
in gedit and moved to a plug-in just recently.

If anyone is interested in hacking on it then please contact
me and I answer any question about the code if something is not
Unfortunately, I have no time to continue it but the code works
quite well and I wouldn't like it to get rotten on my disk.
I am on the list now, so no need to CC me! ;)

Some issues:
o The code contains a lot of fprintf(stderr,...) debug outputs
o The destruction code of gobjects may not be proper. I had a hard time
  understanding how it works in glib. So the code i have may be wrong.
  So far I did not encounter any crashes or visible memory leaks.
o Currently the biggest feature weakness is that it does not ask
  the user for a string to look-up with cscope but it will take
  the word (a word is a char list of digits, numbers and
  underscores) under the cursor automatically.
o Read the TODO, BUGS and REAMDE files!

The code uses a position list to store file names and positions
so it can be used also as a base for a Kate like "Find in Files"
plugin. ;)

I hope someone will find it useful.

Again, read the BUGS, TODO, README, INSTALL files first!

Thank you,
Gabor Fekete

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