Re: [gedit-list] Bonobo usage in Gedit

On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 13:17 +0900, Ryan McDougall wrote:

I hope this is the correct place to talk about developing gedit, if not
please let me know.

Sure, it is.

I decided to look around gedit, and maybe start hacking it, 


and I
noticed that it uses Bonobo. Bonobo is still a bit of black magic to me,
so I was wondering what it is used for in gedit?

It is used in gedit for two reasons:
- managing menus and toolbar
- to always have a single istance of gedit

We would like to remove Bonobo from gedit in the next developer version (see also our wiki pages).

For managing menus and toolbars we now have a better solution in gtk+.
And d-bus can be used for obtaining the "single instance" magic
(even if bonobo now provides a better method respect to the one we are using)


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