Re: [gedit-list] Saving CR/LF files

On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 13:32, Paolo Borelli wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 14:12 +0200, Alessandro Di Rubbo wrote:
> > I would know if it's possible saving CR/LF (used by Windows Notepad),
> > instead of LF, text files? Thanks.
> Such functionality should be implemented as a plugin. If anyone is
> interested in trying to implement it, let us know. It should be fairly
> easy.

Wouldn't it be more logical to add this in gEdit itself, for example
when you do 'Save As...', you could change the file type to ".txt with
CR/LF endings".

Then again, with gEdit's new file dialog, there's no such thing as the
file type... Maybe  adapt the character encoding so something like this
can be added? Or a checkbox "Use CR/LF line endings".
Now I think about it, maybe this is what you meant... have a plugin to
add this option to the file dialog? I understood it as a plugin to save
*all* files with CR/LF endings, which doesn't seem very useful to me, as
CR/LF are probably exceptions instead of the rule to most people.


P.S.: If someone would code something like that, support for CR (i.e.
old-Mac style) could be useful, too.

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