[gedit-list] tools plugin -- request for comments


I want to create a "Tools" plugin for gedit, but first I want to discuss
this with you, read the following "spec" and tell me what you think.

<<<<< start

Tools Plugin

- Provide a mechanism to call external programs from a

- Capture and parse the output of an external program to show a
  error/warning list.

- We can also have filter tools, this ones are feed with some document
  text and return/replace the selection or create a new document.

- Group several tools in a group, so we can have a fast access to the
  tools needed for a specific task, say, a simple tool chain for coding
  C programs.
  These tools will be automatically associated with Ctrl+<N> shortcuts.
  OTOH if a tool is not associated with a specific group it will be
  always available.

Each tool

- The tool name and a icon that appears on menus.

- Command line (to be passed to user shell)
  with expansions format: $() and escape $$.
    - filename
    - basename
    - uri
    - line
    - column
    - selection (selected text)
    - totallines (?)

- stdin to pass to command line
    - current selection
    - all document
    - a string
    - none

    pass as a locale or utf8 encoded text.

- Capture output to:
    - replace current selection
    - replace all document
    - a new document
    - insert at cursor position
    - insert in a new line above/bellow current line
    - append to document
    - output window
    - output window with error/warning parsing, this needs a list with
      output filters to apply
      - each output filter is applied in order, this iteration ends when
        one of them matches a filename:linum pair.

- A flag that says if we should:  save all files, save the current
  file, or not save at all.

- Working directory.

- Environment for the command?  (or the user can use the env command)

NOTE: While the tool is running no other tool can run, neither the user
      can modify the document.  This only applies to a tool that uses
      output window or modifies the document.

Output Filters
   - operate at line basis.
   - each filter has a type: warning or error.
   - each return:
       - filename
       - line
       - column (optional)
     NOTE: a regex lib that can name groups is needed.  pcre can
           do this with, (?P<filename>.+) (?P<linenum>[0-9]+).
           (Python syntax).
           Or, we can simulate this using gnuregex by counting `()'.
   - a unique name.
   - a description. (humm, really?)

Changes to gedit

I need a way of connecting mouse double-click and space/enter key
signals;  needed to open the file:line with the error/warning.
How about a "action" signal?

I also need a output-cleared and destroyed signal in output window;
needed for releasing resources allocated by the tool.

<<<<< end

You will find a GUI mockup of all this in the attachment, the most
"crude" one is the tool-editor-advanced dialog.

I'm looking forward for your comments!

Rui Lopes

Attachment: tools.glade.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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