Re: [Geary] [OT] Emojis

Hi Ed,

On Thu, 31 Oct, 2019 at 19:08, edwardp gmx com wrote:
Rather than the emojis, this is what comes through on most e-mail apps:


Geary, on the other hand, doesn't display any of the above, it displays no Marshmallow emojis. It will successfully display the emojis from Nougat though.

To be honest, this sounds like a Unicode bug in the Marshmallow email app you are using to send the emojis.

The email apps that display something like what you show above are attempting to display the broken Unicode that was sent, while Geary seems to be cleaning it out before it even gets that far.

I'd suggest testing using the same third party email app with known good Unicode support on both Android versions and see what happens.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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