Re: [Geary] The icon name

Hi Frederik,

On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 5:43 PM, Frederik Feichtmeier <"frederik.feichtmeier"> wrote:
Good Morning everyone,

the icon name is


at the moment. Makes it pretty hard to match it in all the different icon themes.

That's a recent change in 0.12.2, and it's actually by design. Using an icon name that matches the app id is currently considered best-practice, since it lets a whole bunch of disparate processes (your desktop shell, your notifications daemon, gnome-software, flathub, etc.) trivially look up the icon for any given application. Not using the app id previously was causing notifications for earlier version to show up without an icon, for example.

If you do e.g. a `ls {/usr,/var/lib/flatpak/exports}/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/` you'll probably see a number of apps that are starting to use the same convention.

If you want to use a custom icon for Geary, you could say create a custom icon theme in ~/.local/share/icons that extends your preferred theme, and maybe there's some other, easier way that I'm not aware of as well.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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