Re: [Geary] Geary under Plasma (Kubuntu 18.04)?

Il giorno mer 30 mag 2018 alle 13:14, Rik Shaw <rikshaw76 gmail com> ha scritto:
I installed Geary in Kubuntu 18.04 and am noticing that things like spellchecking and attachment opening and saving are not functioning. Are there some gnome dependencies that I need to install to get these items functional again?

Hi Rik

How did you install Geary? From regular repository or from flatpak?

Please give more details of what is not working exactly.
For example, the spellchecking may be not configured. When you click on the "book icon", do you see any language listed? Does it have a check mark?

If you run geary from a terminal do you see any useful error message?

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